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Police Chiefs Join Tax Battle

January 23rd, 2008 by Mike Vasilinda

Four powerful groups are now aligned against the property tax amendment on next Tuesdays ballot. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, Florida’s police chiefs joined the fray today.

Hear it here: Police Chiefs Join Tax Battle

The firefighters and the cities were the first to say no to amendment one, when Bob Carver of the Professional Firefighters came out against the amendment January 8th.
“IF you can’t build a new fire station, your response to the emergency is going to be delayed.” Carver told a news conference.

The teachers union leader, Andy Ford, wasn’t far behind. “Programs will have to be curtailed. We’re looking at layoffs in some areas.” says Ford.

And now Florida’s police chiefs are asking you to say no. “The worst fear is that we cannot provide the level of service that we’re used to providing for the communities and that the citizens of the state are expecting.” says Gulf Breeze Police Chief Peter Paulding

Opponents say their polls are unreliable and all over the place. And the outcome may rest on who turns out at the polls. The governor says his tracking polls show support hovering right at 60 percent.

“Vote yes on one…” says the latest ad. With a new TV spot on the air, money is also becoming an issue in the final hours, with both sides lashing out against each other. Karen Woodall of Florida is Our Home took aim at the Governor “The proponents, led by the governor, have been bombarding the airwaves, running around the state in state planes.”

The governor’s chief booster, Senator Mike Fasano, is taking aim at the League of Cities. “They are advocating and asking people to vote against a tax cut. But they’re using, not their own money, but they’re using tax payer money and that’s wrong, ” Says Fasano.

Ironically, both sides also say no matter what happens Tuesday, the vote is only the beginning of tax reform. Both sides of the tax debate are counting on the Tax and Budget Reform Commission, whose report is due in May, to make recommendations on how to make the tax system more fair.

Posted in Amendments, Business, Charlie Crist, Elections, Politics, State News, Voting | No Comments »

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