Hometown Democracy Initiative Still 110,000 Signatures Shy
January 14th, 2008 by flanewsThe latest numbers from the state show that a controversial ballot initiative is about 110,000 signatures short of appearing on the November ballot. Florida Hometown Democracy wants voters to have the power approve or deny city and county land-use changes. The Division of Election had to stop using a computer system because it had been miscounting signatures for months. Hometown Democracy supporters wonder why the state waited until last week to reveal the problem.
“They could have had the fix hopefully done and arrived at ages ago,” said Hometown Democracy’s John Hedrick. “Rather than here we are, at the supposed 11th hour. We’re now a little more than two weeks away from the signature deadline, and yet, this all gets sprung on us.”
Supporters have to collect more than 611,000 signatures certified by the state to get ballot initiatives before voters in November.
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