Don’t Drink and Drive
December 17th, 2007 by flanewsState and local enforcement gathered outside the Capitol to urge people not to drink and drive this holiday season. December is National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention month. Last year, 1,300 people died in alcohol or drug related crashes in Florida. More than 17,000 people were injured. Dozens of shoes were placed on the steps of the Old Capitol in memory of those killed by impaired drivers. Anna Redgate’s 9-month-old daughter died after being hit by a repeat offender drunk driver in 2000. She was pushing the baby’s stroller with her son holding her other hand when the driver plowed into them.
“It will be 8 years New Year’s Day,” Redgate said. “And it changes for us, but I’m still Grace’s mother every day. So I’m out here because that’s the way I have to parent now. I don’t have a choice to raise her. I have a responsibility to my surviving child. And I feel that with a power of a story, it can help make the roads safer for others.”
State and local law enforcement leaders say they will significantly increase patrols and sobriety checkpoints throughout December until after the New Year’s holiday.
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