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Opposition to Tax Cut Grows

December 13th, 2007 by Mike Vasilinda

A Mason-Dixon poll out today shows property taxes are the number one concern facing Floridians. Another poll by teachers shows that fewer than 60 percent of those who will be voting are not yet convinced a plan to cut taxes being voted on in January is the right thing to do. And as Mike Vasilinda tells us, opposition to the tax cut plan is growing.

 Hear it here: Opposition to Tax Cut Grows

A new coalition of groups including firefighters, teachers, social workers, and the League of Women Voters filed paperwork to campaign against the January 29th vote on cutting property taxes.

Florida teachers have already been out polling. One finding: a vast majority of voters are opposed to capping property taxes on businesses and second homeowners. That information is already helping them hone the message.

“We live here. This is about community. This is about quality of life,” Karen Woodall with the Florida is Our Home Coalition said. “And that’s the emphasis of this campaign.”

The teachers have also sent out mailers to all of their union members.

Florida’s Teacher’s Union is going all out, mailing slick brochures to all of its members urging a “no” vote and then all of those members are getting a call.

“The tax savings aren’t as big as people had anticipated and the cuts in services are bigger than people anticipated and both of those are going to, in fact, combine to add a lot of questions for voters,” Mark Pudlow with the Florida Education Association said.

Governor Charlie Crist is out traveling the state, pushing a “yes” vote on Amendment One. It will be his top priority for the next six weeks. A new “Yes on One” web site has had only a few visitors so far, but the Governor is expected to raise millions to try and sway public opinion.

It will take 6 out of 10 voters to make the property tax cut part of the constitution, and no poll yet has show the amendment enough support to pass the amendment. Some polls have about 20 percent still undecided.

Posted in Amendments, Charlie Crist, Property Taxes, State News, Voting | No Comments »

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