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Florida Partners with Google

December 3rd, 2007 by Mike Vasilinda

If you have ever tried to search a state web site, you know it can be a nightmare. But help may be on the way. Governor Charlie Crist announced a partnership with Google today to simplify gathering information from Florida government. Currently, if you search for something from the state, Google will take you to the agency web site, but from there you are on your own. Under the partnership, the state will make it’s information more transparent to Google’s search engines. The governor says it should simplify searches.

“It seems to me that this makes it easier to get information in a way that people are more used to,” Crist said. “They’re probably not used to going to the website for the department of state or even the department of education, though I’m sure a lot of educators are. But this is something people sort of customarily use almost on a daily basis and they just put the name in or the subject matter and it takes them right there, instead of having to figure out ‘state.gov,’ you know all that junk.”

Only information that is currently public record will be available under the expanded search capabilities.

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