State Workers Wanted for Disaster Relief Work
September 5th, 2007 by flanews With hurricane season already upon us, representatives from 20 state agencies are encouraging their workers to sign up for disaster response duty with the American Red Cross. Florida law gives career state employees up to 15 days in leave every year to volunteer for the Red Cross during a major disaster. But first, they must take Red Cross disaster training courses.
“In 2007 for us, we started out with tornadoes the early part of the year, we rolled into wildfires in the late spring and we’re into hurricane season,” said Chris Floyd of the Capital Area Chapter of the American Red Cross. “We always have a threat of some sort of national calamity tracking us here in Florida. So it’s very important for us to be constantly pushing the message out.”
Gov. Charlie Crist has declared September as Florida Preparedness Month. You can find more information about volunteering for disaster relief training by calling your local American Red Cross chapter.
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