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Tuition Hike Still Up in the Air

May 15th, 2007 by Mike Vasilinda

College students at the states three largest Universities ( FSU, UF, and USF) could find them selves paying up to ten percent more next year. State lawmakers have sent two different tuition hikes to the Governor, but as Mike Vasilinda reports, the governor is appears to be leaning against allowing the hikes.

Hear it here: Tuition Hike

Students at FSU, USF and Florida could face a double whammy. Lawmakers passed a 221 dollar tuition differential for the three schools. That’s on top of a five percent tuition hike for every university and community college.

The governor says he’s hearing plenty from the university community. “I’ve been lobbied on issues before but this is ridiculous, ” Crist told reporters during a briefing Tuesday.

At FSU, reaction was mixed. Students facing tough times already hate it.
“It sucks.” “I have a hard time paying tuition as it is.” “I really can’t afford it.” “I don’t like it.” are just some of the random reactions.

Under the plan, students with prepaid college tuition won’t have to pay the higher fee… but Bright Futures students will. The tuition differential is supposed to be used to hire more professors, advisors, and generally improve the caliber of education. That strikes some, like student Jeremy Duff of Pensacola, as a good thing. “We should be charging more just so that we’ll have more money to better the university so it is top-notch.”

And parents Like Chris Roden visiting for orientation from Port St. Lucie say it could do more to make students safer. “ I mean, when you look at the police department here and it’s staffed at 62 or 65 and they should be at 80 or 85 then yeah, we should do something about that.”

A decision from the governor is still several weeks away. Governor Crist says he doesn’t want prices to go up… but he hasn’t ruled it out.

Posted in Charlie Crist, Education, Legislature, State News | 1 Comment »

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