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Property Tax Relief Punted..for Now

May 2nd, 2007 by Mike Vasilinda

Instead of dropping property taxes “Like a Rock” as the Governor suggested, state lawmakers have found the issue to complex and are dropping it like a hot potato until next month. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, disagreement and the logistics of putting something so complicated on paper will bring lawmakers back to the Capitol in early June.

Hear it here: Tax Plan Punted

Just before lunch, Senate President Ken Pruitt told his colleagues that property tax negotiators had thrown in the towel. “We’re going to suspend negotiations on the property tax bill. The issue is too important to our state and for our taxpayers for us to give them a product they would not be proud of.” said Pruitt.

Negotiator Dan Webster said even if they had reached agreement, putting it to paper was too daunting in the two days left. “And even if we could have come to terms, no matter what we agreed on, what we came to terms on could never have been put on paper.”

Instead of rushing a solution by Friday, lawmakers will work informally over the four weeks off. Legislative leaders say they should be able to vote on something the day they come back June 5th, but just in case, they’ve given themselves 10 days.

Even with the delay, the House Speaker Marco Rubio says when it comes to lowering taxes, he is more optimistic than ever. “We’re not there yet, so I don’t want to get over-confident. But I… but yet… very optimistic that we see a big, massive tax cut.”

So far being optimistic hasn’t led to any concrete savings for taxpayers. But public pressure is so great, the powers that be know they time is limited before voters take matters into their own hands with a petition drive.

While lawmakers are giving up on the tax issue for now, they haven’t given up on the 2007 session. They have two more days of meetings and hundreds of bills waiting for a vote

Posted in Amendments, Legislature, Politics, Property Taxes, State News | No Comments »

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