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It’s a New Day

January 10th, 2007 by Mike Vasilinda

Wanting to put his own imprint on state government,  The new resident at 700 North Adams Street (the address for the Governor’s Mansion) is asking the Senate to send back 283 late term  appointments made by Governor Jeb Bush.  THe appointemetns range from Community College trustees to two high profile PSC nominations. Here’s the press release and list.


DATE:   January 10, 2007
TO:     Interested Media
FROM:   Vivian Myrtetus, Governor’s Communications Director
RE:           Gubernatorial Appointments

Governor Charlie Crist today submitted the following letter to Senate President Ken Pruitt withdrawing 283 gubernatorial appointments for 100 boards, councils, districts and commissions. Each of these is subject to senate confirmation and has not been confirmed.

Governor Crist, as have many of his predecessors including Governor Jeb Bush, is withdrawing all pending nominations and will submit his nominations in the coming weeks and months.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please call the Governor’s press office at (850) 488-5394.

# # #

January 10, 2007

Honorable Ken Pruitt
President, The Florida Senate
Suite 409, The Capitol
Tallahassee, FL 32399

Dear President Pruitt:

     Please be advised that I am today withdrawing the following gubernatorial appointments which are subject to Senate confirmation but have not yet been confirmed:

Apalachee Regional Planning Council, Region Two:

Readford, Dawn E.
Grant, Henry G.
Davies, Ellen Y. 

Barbers’ Board:

Bordelon, Roland F.
Magda, Peter David

Board of Acupuncture:

Rosello, Gloria

Board of Architecture and Interior Design:

Grigsby, Mary Jane
Solera, Lourdes
Kuritzky, Eric D.

Board of Athletic Training:

Coffey, George N.
Brunett, Marisa

Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel:

Bertlolf, Roger L.
Goldberg, Barbara K.
Madan, Nilia M.
Breckenridge, Tonia A.

Board of Dentistry:

Gainey, Elmira R.
Levsky, Stanley S.
Melzer, Carl J.

Board of Directors, Enterprise Florida, Inc.

High, Joshua
Pizarro, Pedro R.

Board of Directors, Florida Development Finance Corporation:

Jones, William C.
Harris, Jerry L.
Tesch, Peter
Board of Directors, Space Florida

Haney, Russell E.
Wiendl, Joseph
Feeney, Ellen S.
Baker, Jr., Silas K.
Murphy, Robin R.
Newton, Lloyd W.
Stadd, Courtney A.
Walker, John H.
Davis, Jr., Jimmie L.
Tolley, James
Ford, Kenneth M.
Spulak, Gary J.

Board of Employee Leasing Companies

      Maloney, Dale

Wenzel, Robert

Board of Hearing Aid Specialists:

      Pickard, Robert E.
      Oakley, Thomas

Board of Landscape Architecture:

      Bowden, Robert E.
      Graham, Jr., Philip H.

Board of Massage Therapy:

Hall, Alfonza L.

Board of Medicine:

Beebe, John W.
Tucker, Elisabeth D.
Espinola, Trina E.
Peters, Thomas G.
Lage, Onelia G.
Rosenberg, Steven

Board of Nursing:

Habgood, Mary Kay
Nelson, Deana L.
Powers, Patsy J.
Savage, Tracy K.
Kemp, Barbara R.
Mobley, Donall J.

Board of Nursing Home Administrators:

Johnson, Keith E.

Board of Orthotists and Prosthetists:

Moya, Roberto A.
McCluney, Jr., Timothy H.

Board of Osteopathic Medicine:

Burns, Ronald R.
Andriole, James M.

Board of Physical Therapy Practice:

Trittschuh, John C.

Board of Podiatric Medicine:

Frisch, Dennis R.

Board of Professional Engineers:

Tomasino, Paul
Bloomquist, David
Hogenkamp, Katherine
Garcia de Quevedo, Nola

Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers:

Cooner, Jeffrey C.
Clodfelter, Mary Hannah
Poppell, Frances C.
Lebron, Louis J.
Greer, Sydney H.

Board of Trustees, Florida A & M University:

Tyson, Jesse J. 

Board of Trustees, Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind:

Dillon, Mary Jane
McCaul, Owen B.
Wagner, Christopher D.
Weedon, Gerald W.
Rojas, Maria

Board of Trustees, Florida State University:

Busch-Transou, Susie
***Furlow, Jessie V.*** – deceased
Bense, Allan G.

Board of Trustees, Miami Dade College:

Villamil, Marielena A.
Alvarez, Cesar A.
Calderina, Carolina

Board of Trustees, New College of Florida:

Dupree, Jerome 

Board of Trustees, South Lake County Hospital District:

Hari, Aashiv   

Board of Trustees, University of South Florida:

Sembler, Debbie Nye    

Board of Veterinary Medicine:

Leonard, Jr., R.B.
Vega, Sergio
Love, Susan K.
Hurley, Lisa M.

Citrus County Hospital District:

Langer, David

Coastal Rivers Basin Board, Southwest Florida Water Management District:

Miskimen, George W.

Commission for Independent Education:

Rodgers, Judy
Mulherin, Lynn
Bradley, Nancy M.
James, III, Frank A.
Regueiro, Maria C.     

Council on Efficient Government:

Spinner, Ernest
Clarke, D.V.
Johnson, William A.    
Jim Zingale
Lucy Hadi
Tom Lewis
District Board of Trustees, Brevard Community College:

Tsamoutales, Kimberly Hill
Theriac, James

District Board of Trustees, Broward Community College:

      Douglass, Georgette Sosa

Williams, Levi G.

District Board of Trustees, Central Florida Community College:

      Fakhoury, Riadh

Runnels-Sullivan, Carol

District Board of Trustees, Chipola College:

Padgett, John W.
Plummer, Mark S.

District Board of Trustees, Daytona Beach Community College:

Graham, Jr., John E.
Hosseini, Forough B.

District Board of Trustees, Edison College:

Parrish, Jr., Randall T.
Gorvine, Enid S.
Houghton, Jr., W. Mahlan
Klein, David M.

District Board of Trustees, Florida Community College at Jacksonville:

Asay, Linda H.
Smith, Emily B.
Weinstein, Michael B. 

District Board of Trustees, Florida Keys Community College:

      Scales, III, Edwin A.
      Yacovone, Edward F.

District Board of Trustees, Gulf Coast Community College:

Isler, III, Charles S.
Cramer, Jr., William Cato
Myers, Stephen Carlton
Sumner, William C.

District Board of Trustees, Hillsborough Community College:

Gonzalez, W. Edward
Hill, Chappella I.

District Board of Trustees, Indian River Community College:

Kirton, Cheryl
Abernethy, Bruce R.
Perez, Tomas Rene
Syfrett, Linda T.

District Board of Trustees, Lake City Community College:

Surrency, Jim
Wall, Harriett
Kennedy, Donald R.     
Landon, Stevie

District Board of Trustees, Lake-Sumter Community College:

Childers, Richard D.
Norman, Joe M.
Pruitt, William R.

District Board of Trustees, Manatee Community College:

Boone, Stephen K.
DuPont, III, Francis I.

District Board of Trustees, North Florida Community College:

Boatright, Jr., J. Walter
Gibson, Linda F.
Helvenston, IV, B.W.
Land, Debra B. 

District Board of Trustees, Okaloosa-Walton College:

Wilkerson, Wesley
Wells, Esteena Kry
Hall, Connie S.

District Board of Trustees, Palm Beach Community College:

Kirby, Kenneth B.

District Board of Trustees, Pasco-Hernando Community College:

Gavish, Jeanne M.
Parker, Judy R.
Chesnut, Philip H.     

District Board of Trustees, Pensacola Junior College:

Norris, Celeste
Usry, Dona W.
Young Deidre
Caldwell, Harry Miller 

District Board of Trustees, Polk Community College:

Ross, Cynthia Hartley  

District Board of Trustees, Saint Johns River Community College:

Beck, Jr., Carl C.
Lancaster, Larry R.
Sloan, Preston B.      

District Board of Trustees, Saint Petersburg College:

      Johnston, W. Richard

Gibbons, Deveron M.    

District Board of Trustees, Santa Fe Community College:

Weingart, Breck A.
Brashear, Glenna F.
Bradley, Winston F.
McRae, Arley   

District Board of Trustees, Seminole Community College:

Dorworth, Christopher E.
English, Charles W.    

District Board of Trustees, South Florida Community College:

Cullens, Tamela C.
DeLatoree, Gary
Hartt, Joan H.

District Board of Trustees, Tallahassee Community College:

Ghazvini, Alisa

District Board of Trustees, Valencia Community College:

Moore, Edward A.
Oliver, III, Lewis M.
Maguire, III, Raymer F.

East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, Region Six:

Carlson, Sue D.
Cubillos, Aileen I.
Grulich, Maria A.
Greer, James A.
O’Keefe, Daniel T.     

Electrical Contractors Licensing Board:

Bellemare, Pierre A.
Sandefer, Paul W.
Falany, Curtis E.      

Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission:

Barreto, Rodney

Florida Black Business Investment Board, Incorporated:

Nembhard, Mortlake
Addison, Clifton
Keys, Jr., Brady

Florida Board of Auctioneers:

Hill, Jody
Shearer, Don
Dietrich, III, H. Fred

Florida Building Code Administrators and Inspectors Board:

McCormick, Robert S.
Sheridan, Charles M.
Armstrong, Linda J.
John Upchurch

Florida Commission on Community Service:

O’Meara, Vicki A.
Wilke, Pauline
Armstrong, Jack David
Andrew, Michael
Traviesa, Andreina
Adams, Jane
Woodfaulk, Flora
Ramsay, David
Payne, Jr., Willard    
Henderson, Ann
Towlers, Susan
Weinrich, Carl

Florida Commission on Human Relations:

Hopkins, Anne H.
Singer, Gilbert M.
Valle, Mario M.

Florida Commission on Tourism:

Stork, Thom
Fowler, R. Dean
Gill, Linda L.
Christian, Ty  

Florida Elections Commission:

Glymph, Cassandra

Florida Housing Finance Corporation:

Banks, Jr., James F.
Oellerich, Dave E.
Rodriguez, Jose Luis
Vargo, Vicki   

Florida Prepaid College Board:

Sjostrom, Erin B.              

Florida Public Service Commission:

Littlefield, Kenneth W.
Arriaga, Isilio

Florida Real Estate Commission:

Stutler, Denver “Denny” J.

Florida Transportation Commission:

Marchena, Marcos R.    

Governing Board, Northwest Florida Water Management District:

McMillan, Philip K.
Pate, Jerome

Governing Board, South Florida Water Management District:

Burt-Stewart, Miya     

Governor’s Mansion Commission:

Aurell, Jane C.

Higher Education Facilities Financing Authority:

Ploessl, Jodie M.      

Hillsborough County Civil Service Board:

Bruno, Christine K.    

Jacksonville Transportation Authority, Duval County:

Johns, A.J.

Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County:

Smith, Joseph A.
Sayler, Van C.         
Caramello, Janet

Manasota Basin Board, Southwest Florida Water Management District:

Bispham, Paul J.

North Central Florida Regional Planning Council, Region Three:

Maultsby, Charles T.
Smith, Andrew P.
Urban, Frank A.
O’Neil, Gerald T.
Dodge, David
Thomas, Lorene J.

Northeast Florida Regional Planning Council, Region Four:

Barber, Ginger
Stern, Karen R.
Netts, Jonathan S.
Duncan, Todd E.
Larson, III, Charles W.

Parole Commission:

David, Monica

Pilotage Rate Review Board:

Corn, Daniel W.
Leshe’, Robert J.
Johnson, Jr., Clarence 

Pinellas-Anclote Basin Board, Southwest Florida Water Management District:

Hoppe, Janet P.

Regulatory Council of Community Association Managers:

Goodwin, Morris W.
Brown, M.H. Chris
Moran, Kelly   

South Florida Regional Planning Council, Region Eleven:

Holodak, Edward F.
Walters, Sandra
Wallace, Paul R.       

Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, Region Nine:

Weikel, Frank C.
Karau, Melvin E.
Dubin, Rory A. 

State Board of Education:

Fair, Talmadge W.
Handy, F. Philip       

State of Florida Correctional Medical Authority:

      Tedder, Deborah A.
      Wynn, Mary Jane

Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council, Region Eight:

Kinsler, Angeleah C.
Vance, Kim H.
Parker, Jr., George F.
Nunez, Jr., Andres E.
Cavallo, Michele J.
Waller, Charles D.
Johnson, Russell T.    

Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, Region Ten:

Foley, Kevin J.
Davenport, Jr., Laurence F.
Parrish, Reece J.      
Brosemer, Donna

Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council, Region Five:

Bertoch, Carl A.
Johnston, III, Joseph E.
Gilbert, III, Ulysees L.
Dooley, Daniel O.
Selph, Walter E.
Powers, Linda F.
Abshier, Jr., R. Edward
Sawyer, Joseph W.              
Trimpert, Eugene       

Withlacoochee River Basin Board, Southwest Florida Water Management District:

      Nathe, Patricia

Please return all evidence of these appointments.


Charlie Crist

Cc: Kurt Browning, Secretary of State  

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Session Takes Shape

January 9th, 2007 by Mike Vasilinda

Governor Charlie Crist and legislative leaders formally called the special session today to deal with the state’s insurance crisis. 

Lawmakers set a very specific agenda for the session that begins next Tuesday: reducing current property insurance rates, reducing future increases, making insurance more available, and bringing some uniformity to the state’s building code.  As Victoria Langley tells us, the stakes have never been higher.

Hear it here: Session Taking Shape 

Lawmakers know they’ll never bring Florida’s homeowners insurance rates back to where they were before the crushing 2004 and 2005 storm seasons.  But almost every lawmaker you ask at the Capitol these days says they have to find a way to reduce rates. 

“The entire economy and well-being of this state can go down the tubes if we don’t solve this crisis,” said Sen. Bill Posey, (R) Rockledge. 

His committee spent the morning reviewing the Senate’s reform plan, which takes a hard line on insurance companies including the state-run Citizens Property Insurance Corporation.  The bill would reduce this coming year’s Citizens rate increases by more than 80 percent. 

Among other proposals being considered – give insurance customers more control over how much coverage they want to buy.  But there’s a risk to that too. 

Homeowners who can’t pay giant deductibles if they get clobbered lose their homes.  That doesn’t fly with homeowners like Ginny Stevans, who came up from Pasco County to give lawmakers a piece of her mind. 

“Now they want you to increase your deductible to 50 percent?” Stevans said.  “Why bother to get insurance?” 

But lawmakers are also considering a revamp of the state’s building code, which is not as tough in the Panhandle as it is in South Florida.   Charlie Crist is on board.

“To have different standards for different parts of the state doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me,” Crist said.

Although most lawmakers may agree rates have to come down, they also know agreeing on how to make that happen is gong to be the hard part.

Look for House leaders and Governor Crist to release their respective insurance reform proposals later this week. 

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Florida’s 44th Governor

January 2nd, 2007 by Mike Vasilinda

Florida has a new Governor tonight. Charlie Crist took the oath of office at noon in front of the state capitol and as Mike Vasilinda tells us, laid out an ambitious agenda to lower property insurance and property tax bills.


With the words…. “so help me god… so help me god…”
Charlie Crist became Florida’s 44th governor. Howitzers provided a 21 gun salute, although one of the guns misfired and couldn’t deliver the whole total. Then two sets of  jet fighters buzzed the ceremony brining oh’s and ah’s from the crowd.  Then Charlie Crist talked about the love of his parents and its influence on him. “And it was not on my greatest days, but on my worst that I most felt their love.” says Crist.

He also talked about ending political partisan bickering. The new Governor told the audience “Only our commitment to work together for a better way of life… will take us where we need to go. “

And he emphasized the need to find an immediate solution to skyrocketing insurance premiums

“Not stop gap measures, no band aides, no finger in the dike. We need permanent, real solutions for the people” says Crist.

He also wants to tackle rising property taxes by march.

“And we must give the people the opportunity to amend their constitution to lower their property taxes… and we will.”

Afterward, the governor acknowledged that the agenda he set out is very ambitious, but he says that’s what people expect.  “I think floridians deserve ambition. You know? We are a state that is a leader nationally and we need to continue to do that and that’s what we set upon today.” says the new Governor.

But most of all, Florida’s 44th governor talked about optimism for the future. And when it comes to the high price of homeowner’s insurance, the new governor has his work cut out for him. The legislature convenes in two weeks for a special session on insurance reform.

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Lone Democrat on Cabinet Wants to Build Party

January 2nd, 2007 by Mike Vasilinda

While Democrats have a plurality of registered voters, they are still a minority when it comes to sharing power in the state capitol. As the only Democrat elected statewide and sent to Tallahassee, CFO Alex Sink says she wants to work to build a stronger party.

“Well, I’m certainly thrilled as a democrat to hold a statewide elective position. I believe that a strong democracy rests on a two party system and I’m going to work very hard to strengthen and build the Democratic Party because I think the balance of opinion and having diversity of opinion leads to better decisions for the people of our state.”

The only other Democrat elected statewide is US Senator Bill Nelson. Nelson was on hand for today’s inauguration and says Charlie Crist’s call for an end to political bickering between Democrats and Republicans is a breath of fresh air.

Nelson was reelected in a landslide this past.

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Sink No Stranger to Working with GOP

January 2nd, 2007 by Mike Vasilinda

Florida’s new CFO is the lone statewide elected Democrat sent to Tallahassee. She will have to work with a republican governor, state Cabinet and legislature, but Sink says her 30 years in banking has prepared her to work with the GOP and the new Republican Governor. “ I truly do believe that he’s here to represent the interests of all Floridians and I’ve been in banking for 30 years surrounded by Republicans… so what’s new?

Sink retired as the head of Bank of America in Florida. Her husband, Bill Mc Bride, lost to Jeb Bush in the 2002 Governor’s race.

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Sink Says Crist OK

January 2nd, 2007 by Mike Vasilinda

As she took the oath of office, Alex Sink became the only Democrat on the State Cabinet. During his speck, Charlie Crist singled Sink out and vowed to work with both Democrats and Republicans. Afterwards Sink said she takes him at his words. “The speech was just perfect… set the right tone for the work we have ahead of us…very much, the governor has a perspective that he’s here representing the interests of people and I think we’re gonna work very well together to make the kind of decision that are going to improve the quality of life for all Floridians.” said Sink.

Sink shares the regulation of insurance with Crist and other Cabinet members, and insurance reform and high premiums will be the subject of a special session in two weeks, where the bi partisanship will get its first test.

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Vern Says Enough is Enough

January 2nd, 2007 by Mike Vasilinda

Newly elected 13th Congressman Vern Buchanan was at the state capitol today for the Governor’s Inauguration. Buchanan won his seat by fewer than 400 votes and then won again in court when challenger Christine Jennings contested the election, which is now under appeal. Buchanan says he will look to sponsor national voting legislation to make sure the same thing he’s gone through doesn’t happen to someone else.

“I think we have to look into all the systems. If there’s any questions, people have to have complete and total confidence in the system. There’s no question.” said Buchanan, who was asked  “So, as the poster child for electronic voting reform, will you be trying to sponsor anything?”

“We’re gonna seriously look at what’s out there and see if we can sponsor it. At the same token, we don’t want to have people… other people like myself, have to go through this where you’ve had three different votes, machines checked four times… a judge throws out and they keep suing. That’s gotta end.” Buchanan concluded.

Ironically, voters in Sarasota County voted to stop using touch screen machines because they feared problems could arise…which they did, losing more than 18 thousand votes.

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The Governor Makes Her Day

January 2nd, 2007 by Mike Vasilinda

After Charlie Crist finished his speech, answered some reporters questions, and signed autographs, he was stopped by Tallahassee seventh grader Lilly Moss, who showed the new governor a school project she had done on Crist. While aids tried to get Crist back into the capitol and his office, the new governor resisted and talked with Lilly and signed her project.

“ I picked Charlie Crist because I thought Charlie Crist was awesome and cool… interesting to do a project on.” says Lilly.

“Is that the first time you met him?” she was asked.  “Yes.” “What did you think?”

“I thought it was so cool.”

Lilly got an A on her project, and the new governor made her day. No doubt, she’ll take the poster back to school with Crist’s signature later this week and perhaps get some extra credit.

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Charlie’s Breakfast

January 2nd, 2007 by Mike Vasilinda

While the nation mourns the death of Gerald Ford, it is a day of celebration in Tallahassee as the state welcomes a new governor. Charlie Crist will take the oath of office a high noon and as Mike Vasilinda  tells us, he is already stressing bi partisanship.

Charlie Crist’s day began early with a 7:30 prayer breakfast at Florida A&M University.
Inside, there were moments of reverence from Rabbi Schneur Oirechnan “May they go from strength to strength as they embark upon this new era of leadership .”

And their was joyful music talking about the promise of the future. The governor elect even danced briefly on the stage. His words were few, but set the tone of things to come.

“Senator Nelson, Grace… thank you so much for being here. We are from different sides of the aisle, but we are both Floridians and we’re gonna work hard for the betterment of this great state.” said Crist.

Afterwards the governor elect’s father told us he wasn’t offering any words of wisdom.
Dr Charlie Crist was asked  what’s it like on a day like this for the father?”

“Oh, it’s just wonderful. Great weather. Wasn’t it nice the sun came out? Let’s hope that’s an omen.”  He responded.

And Charlie Crist, the man soon to be governor let on that he is excited.

“I feel good… I really do. Didn’t sleep much last night, candidly, but uh I’m excited and looking forward to a great day ahead.”

Charlie Crist becomes the state’s 44th governor.

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