Convergys Deal to be Scrutinized
December 18th, 2006 by Mike VasilindaGovernor Elect Charlie Crist today named Kevin Hyde to take over the Department of Management Services, which supervises state contracts. One of his first jobs will be to review the massive out-sourcing of state personnel functions. The Convergys contract, as it is called, has been criticized for allowing personal information to be sent overseas, and for not providing state employees with reasonable service. Hyde says the contract will be one of the first reviewed.
Says Hyde, “As we get into the issues we’ll take a look at where it stands and whether its meeting the stated goals. “
The Governor Elect, as Attorney General, has sued Convergys. Crist would not tip his hand. “We are under negotiations as it relates to that litigation and so I can’t go into any depth about it right now, but its being reviewed just as the secretary has said, and scrutinized, and we want to do everything we can to make sure the people get what they expect and they deserve. in a fair way and we will make sure that happens
The convergys contract is a 9 year 350 million dollar deal.
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