November 1st, 2006 by Mike VasilindaMore business lobbyists are coming to the aid of Charlie Crist, the Republican candidate for governor. Associated Industries… which represents some of the largest corporations in the state… called a news conference in Tallahassee Wednesday to attack the property insurance reform plan from Democratic candidate Jim Davis. Associated Industries President Barney Bishop says Davis is wrong is promise a savings of 40 percent on your insurance bill.
“We own an insurance company,” said Bishop. “We know how rates are made. We understand how insurance companies operate. And to promise a 40% is not fair to the people of Florida ‘cause he can’t produce. It’s gonna be a hidden tax on Florida families and somebody’s got to stand up and say this isn’t truthful… it isn’t correct.”
Associated Industries is not an impartial observer: they operate an insurance company, the group has already endorsed Crist and many members of A-I-F have raised money for the republican candidate. A spokesman for the Davis campaign says Wednesday’s big business press conference is one more example of how special interests in Tallahassee are trying to protect their influence. Last week, another group of business lobbyists came out for Crist… saying they feared Davis would upset the status quo at the state capitol.
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