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GOP Chairman Resigns, Paper Shredder Parked Outside HQ

January 5th, 2010 by flanews

The Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida stepped down today under mounting pressure from GOP leaders. Chairman Jim Greer’s resignation  comes after scrutiny over early endorsements and reckless spending. As Whitney Ray tells us, an hour before Greer’s announcement a paper shredding truck was parked outside of party headquarters.

It was a quiet and somber day outside the Republican Party of Florida headquarters, the only noise was traffic, and the sound of a paper shredding truck.

The driver came out wheeling an empty cart and a blue bag, one hour before embattled chairman Jim Greer made this announcement, on a conference call with reporters

“Effective in six weeks, approximately February 20th, I will step down as chairman of the Republican Party of Florida,” said Greer.

Later Greer agreed to go on camera.

“There are people who want to tear the fabric of the Republican party apart and I’m not going to be a part of that,” he added.

The move comes a day after nine former House Republicans called for his resignation.

“I think you could say mission accomplished,” said former House Republican Ron Richmond.

Nine State Senators were organizing a similar call. Greer upset party faithful by endorsing candidates before voters had a chance to cast primary ballots.

“Jumping into these and trying to control I think was offensive to a lot of long time Republicans,” said Former State Senator Ken Plante.

The next more is appointing a new chairman. The search is well underway. Governor Charlie Crist, as well as the incoming Senate President and House Speaker are supporting State Senator John Thrasher as the next party chairman. As for the paper shredding truck, Greer says it’s just a coincidence.

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