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Budget Veto Trap

May 21st, 2009 by flanews

State workers, transportation groups and the NRA are asking Governor Charlie Crist to veto spending items. If Crist vetoes the spending cuts and trust fund raids education funding would suffer. As Whitney Ray tells us, the decision puts Governor Crist between a rock and a hard place.

To plug a six billion dollar budget gap, lawmakers voted to use federal stimulus dollars, cut spending and raid state savings accounts. State workers, roads, and gun owners would feel the impact of millions of dollars in reductions. The groups are asking Governor Charlie Crist for vetoes.

The budget takes 6 million dollars from the conceal carry trust fund, 30 million from state pay cuts and 120 million dollars from the transportation fund. If the governor vetoes all three it would leave 156 million dollar hole that would have to be filled.

Because of the way lawmakers drafted the budget, education spending would have to be reduced to make up some of the difference. NRA Spokeswoman Marion Hammer, who is asking the governor to spare the conceal carry trust fund, says lawmakers set a trap for the governor.

“It’s an attempt to intimidate or coheres the governor into letting the legislature circumvent the executive office,” said Hammer.

It’s a lose-lose situation for Governor Charlie Crist who will have to decide who will suffer.

“I’m still contemplating those things. We’ll probably sign the budget it looks like next week. I don’t want to reach any conclusions yet, but I’m still taking the advice of those concerned about all those issues,” said Crist.

The governor has until the 28th to make a decision. Crist could veto the cuts, sign the spending plan as is, or do nothing and the let budget pass without his signature.

Posted in Charlie Crist, Education, Highways, Legislature, State Budget, State News | No Comments »

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