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Fracking Legislation Approved

December 3rd, 2015 by Mike Vasilinda

Local governments won’t be able to stop fracking for natural gas under legislation approved by a House Committee in the State Capitol today. the measure was opposed by cities and counties, but sponsor Ray Rodrigues of Ft. Myers says drilling is safe and local governments should be able to put up roadblocks.

“Two municipalities have interjected themselves into the permitting process. This bill is clarifying there is no implied preemption. we’re going to make that express so that you know oil and gas regulation resides with he state” says Rodrigues.

In additional to local government opposition. Most environmental groups, are against Fracking  Dave Cullen of the Sierra club says there are two reasons not to allow fracking. the first is that Florida shouldn’t be looking to fossil fuel for the future.

“The other is the potential for the contamination of the water we depend on. And it’s not only for our drinking, but our clean water supports so much of our economy. Our tourism, our commercial and recreation fishing, All of those things need clean water” says Cullen.

The committee approved the measure on a 9 to 3 vote along party lines with all three Democrats voting no.

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