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Dems Try to Retake the US House

August 9th, 2012 by flanews

To protect freshman Republicans, and their majority in the US House, the GOP brass is raising money in Florida. Today in the state capital House Majority Leader Eric Cantor led a fundraiser for Freshman Congressman Steve Southerland. As Whitney Ray tells us, Southerland is one of several freshman being targeted by Democrats.

House Majority leader Eric Cantor avoided our camera by using the backdoor at a fundraiser for Florida Congressman Steve Southerland Thursday. Out front, one of Southerland’s opponents, Democrat Al Lawson waved a campaign sign.

Lawson shook hands with Southerland before the freshman congressman went inside.

We asked the Southerland campaign for permission to go inside but they told us, to respect the privacy of the people donating between 500 and 5,000 dollars, our camera would have to stay outside.

Southerland also declined our request for an interview after the fundraiser and Cantor ignored us as he left.

Southerland is one of several freshmen the GOP brass is trying to protect in Florida.

“They are about to panic. They know they are in for a race. It’s going to be a tough race. They are in for a race and we are going to take Congress back,” said Lawson.

Democrats need to pick up 27 seats to retake the House. We asked Republican Party Chairman Lenny Curry if they’ve got a chance.

Reporter: Is that going to happen?
Curry: That’s not going to happen.

The picture will become clearer after the August 14th primary, when both parties have their official nominees.

Florida Congressman Allen West is another Freshman Republican being targeted by the Democrats. Republicans took control of the US House in 2010 in a historic election. If the Democrats take it back, it would be another one for the history books.

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