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ACLU Decries National Defense Appropriations Act

December 8th, 2011 by flanews

Civil liberty groups are asking the president to veto a bill they say would end of our free society. The National Defense Authorization Act has already passed the US House and Senate.

If the president signs it, soldiers could arrest US citizens; throw them in military prisons with no trial and no attorney. In many cases they would never have to let them out. Julie Ebenstein a spokeswoman for the ACLU says with his signature, President Barak Obama could eliminate due process and the right to a trial laid out in the constitution.

“One of the basic principles of our society is that people can not be arrested and detained without charges and held indefinitely. Once people lose the ability to challenge that activity on part of the government we are no longer living in a free society,” said Ebenstein.

Both of Florida’s US Senators, Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio, voted in favor of the bill. It’s tied to military funding and supporters argue the military needs more power to protect the country from terrorists.

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