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FSU West Palm Film Program

August 5th, 2011 by flanews

The Florida State University Film School is now taking applications for its new animation and digital arts program. FSU is teaming with Digital Domain Media group to launch the new program in West Palm Beach. Digital Domain has created CGI for award wining commercials and box office hits like Transformers. Students who enroll in the new program will take their first year of classes on FSU’s main campus in Tallahassee and then transfer to the West Palm Beach studios. Film School Dean Frank Patterson says students in the program will learn from the best CGI experts in the world.

“Our goal is to get our students in front of these professional in an educational setting and give them the tools and creative insight to create the next set of great digital images,” said Patterson.

The first classes will be held in West Palm Beach in the Fall of 2012. The Digital Domain building and FSU film school classrooms will be side by side.

Posted in Education, State News | 1 Comment »

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