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Elections Bill Clears Second Hurdle

March 10th, 2021 by Mike Vasilinda

By all accounts, Florida ran one of the most successful elections in 2020, but now state lawmakers plan to move ahead with changes to prevent future problems.

Florida’s 67 Elections Supervisors are unanimous in their opposition.

Last election, 1.5 million mail ballots were dropped off in person at drop boxes, but so-called reform legislation eliminates them.

“Many of these boxes were actually in places where no one was providing security over them or observing what was going on there,” said Senate sponsor Dennis Baxley.

Supervisors called the drop boxes the Gold Standard and told lawmakers none were unmonitored.

Other opponents believe the legislation will make it harder to vote.

“Less people voting, and that is unacceptable,” said Jonathan Webber.

Under the legislation, only a designated family member will be able to drop off a completed mail ballot at a supervisor of elections office.

The legislation would also require more than four million voters who have pending mail ballot requests to ask again.

“You get a total choice each year to pick how you want to vote this year,” said Baxley.

But supervisors of elections, all 67 of them, are opposed to the $16 million dollar change.

“Nothing in this bill is on our list of suggestions,” said Alan Hayes, Lake County Supervisor of Elections.

They argue it will set the state back.

“All these requests on file, right now, are at the request of voters,” said Mark Earley, Vice President of the association representing Florida’s election supervisors.

The League of Women Voters suggested lawmakers’ intent behind the bill is even more nefarious.

“Taking away safe and secure drop boxes makes absolutely no sense, unless you’re looking for ways to suppress the vote,” said Neely.

Afterwards, the sponsor pushed back on supervisors.

“Thank you for being willing to give us input, but we are the policy makers and they are the implementers,” said Baxley.

Lawmakers told us the legislation is generating significant email from constituents.

It has one more committee stop before a vote by the full Senate.

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